One platform for all your communication channels and much more
The #1 reason why companies love using Live is that it helps them unify and centralize communication from all channels in a simple-to-use way. Having fully centralized communication helps companies reduce customer churn and increase time to resolution by double digits (#1 causes of customer support failures).
Performance management tool
Get control over data-driven key performance indicators (KPIs) of your organization. Track everything from debt collection utilization, non-productive contact center activities or identify the time-per-incident structure.
Active contact center monitoring assistant
Live allows you to keep track of your contact center activities, identifying the most and the least productive activities and behavior regardless whether you are running a sales-driven or collection-driven contact center.
You will be able to answer the following questions:
● Who are your top/low performing contact center specialists?
● What is the time to resolve and agent-waiting time?
● What is the time utilization rate per support staff, incident or an account?
● How to reduce unproductive behaviour?
● How many tickets are resolved outside the agreed SLA timeframe and what are the reasons?
CRM that actually understands the dynamics between you and your customer
Live enables you to have an insight into all communication activities within a company and between the company and their clients. Moreover, Live will structure and segment all communication per type, incident, ticket or task. Detailed customer communication analytics that Live provides help to:
● Evaluate your ROI – what is the return on time spent on some activities?
● Make sure that the right people are assigned to the right ticket, incident or given task
● Monitor how many hours your contact center team spent on unproductive and routine activities that could be automatized with workflow automatization
● Identify inefficient and unproductive activities in the support or sales process
Intelligent client engagement monitoring
Based on the various metrics and KPIs, you will be able to actively monitor each client engagement and the effectiveness of the omnichannel communication within a certain client.
This will give you an opportunity to:
● Find out who are your most time-consuming clients and take necessary steps in this regard
● Reconsider client fees and contractual terms in order to optimize profitability.
● Discover where you need to increase fees or terminate cooperation.
● Determine realistic fees for new engagements.
● Keep evidence of completed tickets and service desk incidents per client request
Omnichannel support platform
As a multitasking environment becomes a reality for many companies and individuals, customer communication becomes more complex than ever.
That is why we focused on developing an interface that could be easily understood, managed and learned by both sides' internal staff and clients that should engage with the solution.
Predictive reporting tool
Live reporting modules are backed up by superb AI models working beneath the hub to provide companies with a holistic picture of organization performance so you can easily diagnose the gap between the planned and the actual performance and take corrective action based on properly segmented, personalized and analyzed details offered in real-time.